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The Human-Centered Design and Communities of Practice to Improve Delivery of Home-based Tuberculosis Contact Investigation in Uganda Study (HCD CoP Study) aims to improve the quality of contact investigation in Uganda. In a previous trial (mHealth trial), we identified gaps in the tuberculosis contact investigation cascade in terms of implementation. In this study, we will utilize two innovative methodologies to address some of these gaps: Human Centered Design (HCD) and Communities of Practice (CoP). 


In the first phase of this study, we explored stakeholder preferences for how contact investigation can be best 


delivered with a particular focus on improving the patient experience. At the end of this phase, we produced a well-defined implementation strategy for household contact investigation. We partnered with a team of HCD design experts from to create this implementation strategy. As of March 2022, we have completed our initial rounds of stakeholder interviews, prototyped implementation strategies and began Phase 2. 


In Phase 2, we are conducting a large, randomized controlled, stepped wedge trial to evaluate the effectiveness of the new implementation strategy. This includes 12 clinics across Uganda. Our novel strategy is comprised of 4 core components: 1) a TB 101 Booklet 2) an electronic Contact Identification Tool 3) a system of Community Health Riders and 4) a Community of Practice intervention for community health workers and riders. We are calling this intervention "Tuli Wamu Nawe" and are excited to share the results of our trial in 2023 and 2024. 


For more information, see our publications page


HCD CoP Team Members

Principal Investigators: J. Lucian Davis, Achilles Katamba

Co-Investigators: Mari Armstrong-Hough, David Dowdy,              

Adithya Cattamanchi, Jessica E. Haberer, Erez Yoeli

Coordinators: Amanda J Gupta, Patricia Turimumahoro

Laboratory Technologist: Emmanuel Ochom

Social Scientist: Joseph M. Ggita

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