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U-TIRC Publications

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  1. Hennein R, Nanziri LM, Musinguzi J, Ggita JM, Turimumahoro P, Ochom E, Gupta AJ, Halder A, Katamba A, White MA, Pietrzak RH, Armstrong-Hough M, Davis JL. Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the General Self-Efficacy Scale in Ugandan Community Health Workers. Global Implementation Research and Applications. 2022. doi: 10.1007/s43477-022-00064-1

  2. Hennein R, Ggita JM, Turimumahoro P, Ochom E, Gupta AJ, Katamba A, Armstrong-Hough M, Davis JL. Core components of a Community of Practice to improve community health worker performance: a qualitative study. Implementation Science Communications. 2022;3(27). 

  3. Davis JL, Ayakaka I, Ggita JM, Ochom E, Babirye D, Turimumahoro P, Gupta AJ, Mugabe FR, Armstrong-Hough M, Cattamanchi A, Katamba A. Theory-Informed Design of a Tailored Strategy for Implementing Household TB Contact Investigation in Uganda. Front. Public Health. 2022;10: 837211.

  4. Liu C, Lee JH, Gupta AJ, Tucker A, Larkin C, Turimumahoro P, Katamba A, Davis JL, Dowdy DW. Cost-effectiveness analysis of human-centered design for global health interventions: a quantitative framework. BMJ Global Health. 2022;7(3). 

  5. Turimumahoro P, Tucker A, Gupta AJ, Tampi RP, Babirye D, Ochom E, Ggita JM, Ayakaka I, Sohn H, Katamba A, Dowdy D, Davis JL. A cost analysis of implementing mobile health facilitated tuberculosis contact investigation in a low-income setting. PLOS ONE. 2022;17(4):e0265033.

  6. Armstrong-Hough M, Ggita J, Gupta AJ, Shelby T, Nangendo J, Ayen DO, Davis JL, Katamba A. Assessing a norming intervention to promote acceptance of HIV testing and reduce stigma during household tuberculosis contact investigation: protocol for a cluster-randomized trial. BMJ Open. 2022;12(5):e061508. 

  7. Ayakaka I, Armstrong-Hough M, Hannaford A, Ggita JM, Turimumahoro P, Katamba A, Katahoire A, Cattamanchi A, Shenoi SV, Davis JL. Perceptions, preferences, and experiences of tuberculosis education and counseling among patients and providers in Kampala, Uganda: A qualitative study.Global Public Health. 2022. doi: 10.1080/17441692.2021.2000629. 

  8. Dowdy DW. Screening for TB using chest radiography: remembering the past in order to repeat it. IJTLD. 2022. 26(10):908-909. 


  1. Tucker A, Oyuku D, Nalugwa T, Nantale M, Ferguson O, Farr K, Reza TF, Shete PB, Cattamanchi A, Dowdy DW, Sohn H. Costs along the TB diagnostic pathway in Uganda. IJTLD. 2021 25(1):61-63.

  2. Baik Y, Nalutaaya A, Kitonsa PJ, Dowdy DW, Katamba A, Kendall EA. Infection status of contacts is not associated with severity of TB in the index case. IJTLD. 2021;25(3):237-240.

  3. Robsky KO, Mukiibi J, Nalutaaya A, Kitonsa PJ, Isooba D, Nakasolya O, Baik Y, Kamoga CE, Kendall EA, Katamba A, Dowdy DW. Spatial distribution of TB among Individuals with a History of Incarceration. IJTLD. 2021 25(6): 513-515. 

  4. Erisa KC, Robsky KO, Kitonsa PJ, Nalutaaya A, Isooba D, Nakasolya O, Mukiibi J, Dowdy D, Kendall EA, Katamba A. Low prevalence of diabetes mellitus in TB patients and the community in urban Uganda. IJTLD. 2021;25(7):590-592(3).

  5. Robsky KO, Isooba D, Nakasolya O, Mukiibi J, Nalutaaya A, Kitonsa PJ, Kamoga C, Baik Y, Kendall EA, Katamba A, Dowdy DW. Characterization of geographic mobility among participants in facility- and community-based tuberculosis case finding in urban Uganda. PLoS One. 2021;16(5):e0251806

  6. Reza TF, Nalugwa T, Nantale M, Adams K, Fielding K, Nakaweesa A, Oyuku D, Nabwire S, Musinguzi J, Ojok C, Babirye D, Ackerman SL, Handley MA, Kityamuwesi A, Dowdy DW, Moore DAJ, Davis JL, Turyahabwe Stavia, Katamba A, Cattamanchi A. Design and execution of a public randomization ceremony to enhance stakeholder engagement within a cluster randomized trial to improve tuberculosis diagnosis in Uganda. Contemp Clin Trials Commun. 2021;22:100707

  7. Cattamanchi A, Reza TF, Nalugwa T, Adams K, Nantale M, Oyuku D, Nabwire S, Babirye D, Turyahabwe S, Tucker A, Sohn H, Ferguson O, Thompson R, Shete PB, Handley MA, Ackerman S, Joloba M, Moore DAJ, Davis JL, Dowdy DW, Fielding K, Katamba A. Multicomponent Strategy with Decentralized Molecular Testing for Tuberculosis. N Engl J Med 2021; 385:2441-2450.

  8. Hennein R, Ggita J, Ssuna B, Shelley D, Akiteng AR, Davis JL, Katamba A, Armstrong-Hough M. Implementation, interrupted: Identifying and leveraging factors that sustain after a programme interruption. Glob Public Health. 2021:1-15. PMID: 34775913.



  1. Nalugwa T, Shete P, Nantale M, Farr K, Ojok C, Ochom E, Mugabe F, Joloba M, Dowdy DW, Moore DAJ, Davis JL, Cattamanchi A, Katamba A. Challenges with scale-up of GeneXpert MTB/RIF in Uganda: a health systems perspective. BMC Health Serv Res. 2020:20(162). 

  2. Ggita JM, Katahoire A, Meyer AJ, Nansubuga E, Nalugwa T, Turimumahoro P, Ochom E, Ayakaka I, Haberer JE, Katamba A, Armstrong-Hough M, Davis JL. Experiences and Intentions of Ugandan household tuberculosis contacts receiving test results via text message: an exploratory study. BMC Public Health. 2020:20(310). 

  3. Meyer AJ, Armstrong-Hough M, Babirye D, Mark D, Turimumahoro P, Ayakaka I, Haberer JE, Katamba A, Davis JL. Implementing mHealth Interventions in a Resource-Constrained Setting: Case Study From Uganda. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2020;8(7):e19552

  4. Kadota JL, Katamba A, Musinguzi A, Welishe F, Nabunje J, Ssemata JL, Berger CA, Kamya MR, Namusobya J, Semitala FC, Cattamanchi A, Dowdy DW. Willingness to accept reimbursement for visits to an HIV clinic for tuberculosis preventive therapy. IJTLD 2020;24(7):729-731(3)

  5. Lee G, Meyer AJ, Kizito S, Katamba A, Davis JL, Armstrong-Hough M. Predictors of evaluation in child contacts of TB patients. IJTLD 2020;24(8): 847-849(3)

  6. Reza T, Nalugwa T, Farr K, Nantale M, Oyuku D, Nakaweesa A, Musinguzi J, Vangala M, Shete PB, Tucker A, Ferguson O, Fielding K, Sohn H, Dowdy D, Moore DAJ, Davis JL, Ackerman SL, Handley MA, Katamba A, Cattamanchi A. Study Protocol:a cluster randomized trial to evaluate the effectiveness and implementation of onsite GeneXpert testing at community health centers in Uganda (XPEL-TB). Implement Sci 2020;15:24.

  7. Kadota JL, Reza TF, Nalugwa T, Kityamuwesi A, Nanyunja G, Kiwanuka N, Shete P, Davis JL, Turyahabwe S, Katamba A, Cattamanchi A. Impact of shelter-in-place on TB case notifications and mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic. IJTLD 2020; 24:11. 

  8. Meyer AJ, Ochom E, Turimumahoro P, Byanyima P, Sanyu I, Lalitha R, Kaswabuli S, Andama A, Walter ND, Katamba A, Cattamanchi A, Worodria W, Huang L, Yoon C, Davis JL. C-reactive protein Testing for Active Tuberculosis among Inpatients without HIV in Uganda: a Diagnostic Accuracy Study. JCM 2020; 59(1) e02162-20. 

  9. Kendall EA, Kitonsa PJ, Nalutaaya A, Kamoga CE, Mukiibi J, Nakasolya O, Isooba D, Baik Y, Robsky KO, Kato-Maeda M, Cattamanchi A, Katamba A, Dowdy DW. The spectrum of tuberculosis disease in an urban Ugandan community and its health facilities. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Dec 6:ciaa1824.

  10. Robsky KO, Hughes S, Kityamuwesi A, Kendall EA, Kitonsa PJ, Dowdy DW, Katamba A. Is distance associated with tuberculosis treatment outcomes? A retrospective cohort study in Kampala, Uganda. BMC Infect Dis. 2020 Jun 11;20(1):406. 

  11. Kitonsa PJ, Nalutaaya A, Mukiibi J, Nakasolya O, Isooba D, Kamoga C, Baik Y, Robsky K, Dowdy DW, Katamba A, Kendall EA. Evaluation of underweight status may improve identification of the highest-risk patients during outpatient evaluation for pulmonary tuberculosis. PLoS One. 2020 Dec 11;15(12):e0243542. 

  12. Robsky KO, Kitonsa PJ, Mukiibi J, Nakasolya O, Isooba D, Nalutaaya A, Salvatore PP, Kendall EA, Katamba A, Dowdy D. Spatial distribution of people diagnosed with tuberculosis through routine and active case finding: a community-based study in Kampala, Uganda. Infect Dis Poverty. 2020 Jun 22;9(1):73.

  13. Baik Y, Rickman HM, Hanrahan CF, Mmolawa L, Kitonsa PJ, Sewelana T, Nalutaaya A, Kendall EA, Lebina L, Martinson N, Katamba A, Dowdy DW. A clinical score for identifying active tuberculosis while awaiting microbiological results: Development and validation of a multivariable prediction model in sub-Saharan Africa. PLoS Med. 2020 Nov 10;17(11):e1003420. 

  14. Cattamanchi A, Berger CA, Shete PB, Turyahabwe S, Joloba M, Moore DA, Davis JL, Katamba A. Implementation science to improve the quality of tuberculosis diagnostic services in Uganda. J Clin Tuberc Other Mycobact Dis. 2020;18:100136.


  1. Armstrong-Hough M, Ggita J, Ayakaka I, Dowdy D, Cattamanchi A, Haberer JE, Katamba A, Davis JL. Brief Report: "Give Me Some Time": Facilitators of and Barriers to Uptake of Home-Based HIV Testing During Household Contact Investigation for Tuberculosis in Kampala, Uganda. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2018; 77(4):400-404 

  2. Ggita JM, Ojok C, Meyer AJ, Farr K, Shete PB, Ochom E, Turimumahoro P, Babirye D, Mark, D , Dowdy D, Ackerman S, Armstrong-Hough M, Nalugwa T, Ayakaka I , Moore D, Haberer JE, Cattamanchi A, Katamba A, Davis JL. Patterns of usage and preferences of users for tuberculosis-related text messages and voice calls in Uganda. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2018;22(5):530-6. 

  3. Ochom E, Meyer AJ, Armstrong-Hough M, Kizito S, Ayakaka I, Turimumahoro P, Ggita JM, Katamba A, Davis JL. Integrating home HIV counselling and testing into household TB contact investigation: a mixed-methods study. Public Health Action. 2018;8(2):72-8.

  4. Armstrong-Hough M, Ggita J, Turimumahoro P, Meyer AJ, Ochom E, Dowdy D, Cattamanchi A, Katamba A, Davis JL. 'Something so hard': a mixed-methods study of home sputum collection for tuberculosis contact investigation in Uganda. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2018;22(10):1152-1159

  5. Shelby T, Meyer AJ, Ochom E, Turimumahoro P, Babirye D, Katamba A, Davis JL, Armstrong-Hough M. Social determinants of tuberculosis evaluation among household contacts: a secondary analysis. Public Health Action. 2018;8(3):118-123

  6. White EB, Meyer AJ, Ggita JM, Babirye D, Mark D, Ayakaka I, Haberer JE, Katamba A, Armstrong-Hough M, Davis JL. Feasibility, Acceptability, and Adoption of Digital Fingerprinting During Contact Investigation for Tuberculosis in Kampala, Uganda: A Parallel-Convergent Mixed-Methods Analysis. J Med Internet Res 2018;20(11):e11541 

  7. Meyer AJ, Babirye D, Armstrong-Hough M, Mark D, Ayakaka I, Katamba A, Haberer JE, Davis JL. Text Messages Sent to Household Tuberculosis Contacts in Kampala, Uganda: Process Evaluation. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2018;6(11):e10239

  8. Kizito S, Katamba A, Marquez C, Turimumahoro P, Ayakaka I, Davis JL, Cattamanchi A. Quality of care in childhood tuberculosis diagnosis at primary care clinics in Kampala, Uganda. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2018;22(10):1196-1202.

2016 and beyond


  1. Hsiang E, Little KM, Haguma P, Hanrahan CF, Katamba A, Cattamanchi A, Davis JL, Vassall A, Dowdy D. Higher cost of implementing Xpert MTB/RIF in Ugandan peripheral settings:implications for cost-effectiveness. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2016;20(9):1212-8. 

  2. Hanrahan CF, Haguma P, Ochom E, Kinera I, Cobelens F, Cattamanchi A, Davis L, Katamba A, Dowdy D. Implementation of Xpert MTB/RIF in Uganda: Missed Opportunities to Improve Diagnosis of Tuberculosis. Open Forum Infectious Diseases. 2016;3(2). 

  3. Shete PB, Haguma P, Miller CR, Ochom E, Ayakaka I, Davis JL, Dowdy DW, Hopewell P, Katamba A, Cattamanchi A. Pathways and costs of care for patients with tuberculosis symptoms in rural Uganda. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2015;19(8):912-7.  

  4. Ross JM, Cattamanchi A, Miller CR, Tatem AJ, Katamba A, Haguma P, Handley MA, Davis JL. Investigating barriers to tuberculosis evaluation in Uganda using geographic information systems. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2015;93(4):733-8.  

  5. Chaisson LH, Katamba A, Haguma P, Ochom E, Ayakaka I, Mugabe F, Miller C, Vittinghoff E, Davis JL, Handley MA, Cattamanchi A. Theory-informed interventions to improve the quality of tuberculosis evaluation at Ugandan health centers: a quasi-experimental study. PLoS ONE. 2015;10(7):e0132573.   

  6. Cattamanchi A, Miller CR, Tapley A, Haguma P, Ochom E, Ackerman S, Davis JL, Katamba A, Handley MA. Health worker perspectives on barriers to delivery of routine tuberculosis diagnostic evaluation services in Uganda: a qualitative study to guide clinic-based interventions. BMC Health Services Research. 2015;15:10. 

  7. Marquez C, Davis JL, Katamba A, Haguma P, Ochom E, Ayakaka I, Chamie G, Dorsey G, Kamya MR, Charlebois E, Havlir DV, Cattamanchi A. Assessing the quality of tuberculosis evaluation for children with prolonged cough presenting to routine community health care settings in rural Uganda. PLoS One. 2014;9(8):e105935. 

  8. Miller CR*, Davis JL*, Katamba A, Sserwanga A, Kakeeto S, Kizito F, Cattamanchi A. Sex disparities in tuberculosis suspect evaluation: a cross-sectional analysis in rural Uganda. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2013;17(4):480-5. *Authors contributed equally. 

  9. Dowdy DW, Davis JL, den Boon S, Walter ND, Katamba A, Cattamanchi A. Population-level impact of same-day microscopy and Xpert MTB/RIF for tuberculosis diagnosis in Africa. PLoS ONE. 2013;8(8):e70485. 

  10. Davis JL, Dowdy DW, den Boon S, Walter ND, Katamba A, Cattamanchi A. Test and treat: a new standard for smear-positive tuberculosis. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2012;61(1):e6-e8. 

  11. Davis JL, Katamba A, Vasquez J, Crawford E, Sserwanga A, Kakeeto S, Kizito F, Dorsey G, den Boon S, Vittinghoff E, Huang L, Adatu F, Kamya MR, Hopewell PC, Cattamanchi A. Evaluating tuberculosis case detection via real-time monitoring of tuberculosis diagnostic services. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011;184(3):362-7.  

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