3HP Options Trial
The Options for Delivering Isoniazid-Rifapentine (3HP) for TB Prevention Trial (3HP Options Trial) is a hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial of three strategies for delivering short-course TB preventive therapy in the context of routine HIV/AIDS care in Kampala, Uganda. The overall objective is to identify a patient-centered delivery strategy that will facilitate acceptance and completion of 3HP (a three-month, 12-dose regimen of weekly rifapentine and isoniazid). Participants will be randomized to one of three delivery strategies: 1) Facilitated directly-observed therapy (DOT); 2) Facilitated Self Administered Therapy (SAT) using 99DOTS-based digital adherence technology to monitor and promote adherence; and

3) Patient choice between Facilitated SAT and Facilitated DOT using a decision aid. Facilitation in all arms will include standardized patient counseling, streamlined clinic visits for DOT or medication refills, and reimbursement of costs associated with completing DOT or refill visits. Our central hypothesis is that offering PLHIV an informed choice between DOT and SAT delivery strategies that are optimized to overcome key barriers to treatment adherence will result in greater acceptance and completion of 3HP. Embedded mixed methods and health economic studies will evaluate the implementation of each delivery strategy and compare their cost-effectiveness.
For more information, see our publications page

3HP Options Team Members
Principal Investigators: Adithya Cattamanchi, Fred Semitala, David Dowdy
Co-Investigators: Achilles Katamba, Anne Katahoire, Jennifer Namusobya,
Moses Kamya, Noah Kiwanuka, Patrick Phillips, Payam Nahid, Robert Belknap
Coordinator: Allan Musinguzi
Data Analyst: Jillian Kadota
Study Nurses: Fred Welishe, Juliet Nabunje
Social Scientist: Jackie Ssemata