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 Principal Investigators 

Achiles Katamba, PhD, MBChB, MS

Principal Investigator

Dr. Katamba is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Internal Medicine at Makerere University. He has extensive training and practical experience in the conduct of health services research. Dr. Katamba is the Ugandan head of the Uganda TB Implementation Research Consortium (U-TIRC) activities at Makerere University College of Health Sciences. Dr Katamba is co-founder of Walimu, a foundation leading implementation and dissemination initiatives for diagnosis and management of severe acute illness in Uganda, and Makerere Site Director of the Fogarty Pulmonary Complications of AIDS Research Training (PART) program, which supports training in translational research and implementation science.

Adithya Cattamanchi, MD, MS

Principal Investigator

Dr. Cattamanchi is an Associate Professor of Medicine and Co-Director of the Implementation Science Training Program at UCSF. His research is focused on two thematic areas: 1) Development and evaluation of tuberculosis (TB) diagnostics and 2) Implementation and dissemination of evidence-based preventative, diagnostic, and treatment interventions for TB. In addition to research, Dr. Cattamanchi teaches a 10-week course titled Introduction to Implementation Science Theory and Design, and has co-developed Implementation Science short-courses that have been delivered in Kampala, Uganda and as part of a Summer Institute at UCSF.

J. Lucian Davis, MD, MS

Principal Investigator

Dr. Davis is a pulmonary/critical care physician and epidemiologist at the Yale School of Public Health and the Yale School of Medicine. His research seeks to help eliminate tuberculosis (TB) as a public health threat by finding new biomarkers for active TB diagnosis and treatment monitoring, and by using implementation science to develop and evaluate new TB assessment and case finding strategies, often using mobile technology. The overall goals are to make patient evaluation and treatment more patient-centered, efficient, and effective, and to train new researchers and clinicians in these areas.

David Dowdy, MD, PhD, ScM

Principal Investigator

Dr. Dowdy is a practicing internist and an expert in diagnostic epidemiology, economic evaluation, and mathematical modeling. He has been working with the U-TIRC team since 2009 and has worked on multiple projects evaluating the implementation, cost-effectiveness, and population-level impact of Xpert and other TB-related interventions.

Emily Kendall, MD, PhD

Principal Investigator

Dr. Kendall is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in Infectious Diseases at Johns Hopkins University. Her work aims to combine data collection with modeling and simulation to inform clinical decision-making and policy guidance on delivering TB treatment and prevention. Areas of focus include the dynamics of TB disease progression and transmission, and the use and interpretation of diagnostic tests. She serves as PI of the TURN-TB study and scientific lead for the STOMP-TB study.

Priya Shete, MD, MPH

Principal Investigator

Dr. Shete is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at UCSF and San Francisco General Hospital. Her work integrates methods in implementation science, social epidemiology and health economics to develop more effective TB prevention and care strategies that mitigate economic and social vulnerability of patients. Dr. Shete has served as a consultant for the Global TB Programme at the World Health Organization and a public health advisor for USAID. She is Associate Director of the Implementation Science Training Program at UCSF.

Eric Wobudeya, MSc, MMed, MBChB

Principal Investigator

Dr Wobudeya is a Consultant paediatrician and epidemiologist in the Department of Paediatrics & Child Health at Mulago National Referral Hospital. He has longstanding experience in paediatric clinical care and clinical & programmatic experience in paediatric TB care. Dr Wobudeya is the Head of the Mulago Paediatric TB Unit in Mulago National Referral Hospital for the last 12 years. He has been deeply involved with the Uganda National TB & Leprosy Program in the development of Uganda paediatric TB guidelines and training materials. He is a national trainer for paediatric TB and also a trainer in paediatric CXR reading for TB diagnosis. Dr Wobudeya has been conducting both clinical and epidemiological research related to paediatric TB for the last 10 years.

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Mari Armstrong-Hough, PhD, MPH


Dr. Armstrong-Hough is a medical sociologist and epidemiologist with interests in the intersection of communicable and non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Her research interests include perceptions of risk for respiratory infections among providers and patients, barriers to uptake of testing for HIV and TB, and the sources of disparities in availability of essential medicines in Uganda. She works with Dr. Achilles Katamba, Dr. Luke Davis, and other members of the Uganda TB Implementation Research Consortium to design and carry out complex mixed-methods studies to identify, analyze, and intervene on barriers to evaluation for TB. She also co-directs the Mixed Methods Fellowship of the Pulmonary Complications of AIDS Research Training (PART) program at Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda.

Noah Kiwanuka, PhD, MPH, MBChB


Dr. Kiwanuka is an infectious diseases Epidemiologist and a Medical Statistician with vast experience in the design, conduct and analysis of individual and cluster randomized trials and cohort studies in HIV and TB. Currently, he is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Makerere University School of Public Health. He has served on various trials and studies as Co-PI, Epidemiologist, Biostatistician and DSMB member. He is a founder and Director of the Makerere University Clinical Trials Unit that was established in 2011. He provides statistical support to U-TIRC studies.

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