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HIV TB Stigma

The Interrupting HIV and TB stigma in the household during contact investigation in Uganda (HIV TB Stigma) project aims to develop and pilot a complex intervention to increase the uptake of home HIV testing and linkage to HIV care among household members offered home-based HIV testing. 


Household TB contacts are at high risk for both HIV and TB in Uganda. However, stigma can prevent household contacts from seeking out appropriate evaluation and treatment for both diseases. Therefore, we aim to develop an intervention that will reduce perceptions of stigma associated with HIV and testing for HIV in the household. 


We have conducted focus group discussions to inform the design of the intervention. Our next step will be to pilot this intervention in households in Kiswa and Kawaala and make adjustments to the intervention as necessary over the next several months. 


As of July 2022, we have completed a household randomized control trial testing our new intervention. We look forward to sharing the results in 2022 and 2023. 


For more information, see our publications page. 

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HIV TB Stigma Team Members

Principal Investigators: Luke Davis, Achilles Katamba

Co-Investigator: Mari Armstrong-Hough

Study Coordinators: Amanda J Gupta, Joseph Ggita

Fellow: Joanita Nangendo

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